Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sunset at Sea-level

View of sunset from a position not many people will shot from; Sea-level. This could be explained from the fact that it is not a good idea if you don't have a water resistant casing for your camera.


moggie said...

...i know i wouldn't! not so much bcoz of the camera. fear of seeing a fin coming straight for me, thanks to watching the film Jaws as a kid! hold that 'something' i see on the mid right side of your second pic? (shudder!)

Divemuster said...

I watched the movie Jaws too. Was a kid then and I didn't even dare swim in a swimming pool for an entire month!

Later on with better understanding of sharks, their habitat, behaviour and even food preferences, those "stories" and fears were dispelled. Sharks are not only magnificant creatures to be respected but they hold a key part in the marine eco-balance.

Shark? Where? *Swimming towards the fin*