If only it stayed a split second longer ... or maybe I just need one of those Canon EF L lenses that focuses super fast ;-)

The best of the lot. The aboriginal people here call this 'kekaka', from the laughing sound that it emits. Usually we hear it just as it flies off before we manage to shoot as though it was mocking us. I call this a 'laughing jackass' tho no relation to the Australian Kookaburra.

There it goes again with the 'kakakaka' laughter.

As we prepared to move out for owling, a big bird came to perch on a pole nearby. We could not make out what it was then but just fired off 2 frames before it flew off. A delightful surprise that an owl had come to us. Bum-bum shot but better than none-none. We spotted 2 out on the road but did not manage to capture on photo.

hahaha....the 'laughing jackass' strikes again? dude, the 3rd pic is really good.... much better than any i've taken.
and it looks pi**ed off too!
Need to learn the art of sneaking up to em :P
Hmm thought it was easier to shoot birds from inside the car ?
kakakakaka ... the war continues!! They may not be the shots that you want but that does not detract from the fact that they are nice shots. The best so far, I think. We are getting nearer.
Lovely shots! And the one where he's taking off from the sign post is great too, even if not perfectly focused. Thank you! :)
I know how hard it is to get good shots of easily spooked birds and I think yours were very good. :)
You should come visit Penang, we have white-throated kingfishers here that are so used to people that they are the easiest birds to capture on film.
Check out my shots here.
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