Monday, October 22, 2007

From the road journey - Wings

If a journey is an hour's drive, add another hour if traveling with photography enthusiasts. Take a pair or two of keen eyes and you are likely to encounter mother nature's splendor en route to the destination. Ultimately it is the journey, not the destination that counts.

Just another tree but more than that, there's a raptor sitting high up.

At maximum zoom and some cropping yielded the image below; A Serpent Eagle. Even from afar, we could make out that this was a big fella.

Another tree some kilometers down the road, another Serpent Eagle was spotted.
Yet another stop and more megabyte filling moments.

An elusive subject; Kingfisher. Many attempts to shoot it only to have it fly off before we can get in some decent shots. Every time that happens, we can hear its cry like it was mocking us.
This was the first time I managed to get a shot of it before it took off.

Another opportunity to shoot another kingfisher presented itself and it would have been the best due to our close proximity to where it was. Alas a car that zoomed by before I could train my lens on it. Ah well, blurry colours are neat too.


DweezelJazz said...

Fantastic photos of those amazing birds! And the tree in the first shot is really nice too.

Some great photos can be taken on car journeys, it's true.

Divemuster said...

dweezeljazz, raptors are my favourite birds but I am still very poor in identifying them.

There were many photo opportunities we let pass due to safety concerns. There will be other opportunities.