Monday, July 04, 2005

Men ARE from Mars and Women ARE from Venus

They both found each other on Earth and since then, fighting to have each other understood. Both see they are right and the other wrong. Is there a true right or wrong? Right and wrong are just a matter of perspective. Having the majority number also helps. Can Men take directions from Women? Men don't listen right? Or do they? Was is possible that the Man was so focused in his objective that the information takes time to be processed? Does that make Women better because they listen better than Men? Was it in the grand design that one were to be superior and dominant over the other?

Why don't we learn acceptance? Not acceptance with a resigned sigh but with an understanding that Men & Women are what they are for the different roles they play and were meant to complement each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ... I zccept ... that's why I will repeat and repeat the directions until it gets processed. If it is not processed in time, oh well, we'll just take another direction lor