Our 1st attempt a month ago to visit Pisang (Banana) waterfall did not succeed. While attempting to take a shorter route, we ended up mapping a aboriginal village and some roads for the GPS Mapping community. This time round, having armed ourselves with more detailed information and taking the "known" route, we reached the waterfall and added more images to our ever growing photo-bank. Here's a short pictorial journal:The starting point of the trek was a pump-house off the old Gombak-Bentong road. From this place named Alang Sedayu, the trek starts from across the river. The Karak Highway can be seen at the top-right of the picture.

Follow the track along the river....

... and sometimes in the river.
Moggie wondering if the "pau" (dumpling in the plastic bag attached to his bag) will get wet.

The river crosses the highway via this twin tunnels. This is a river and not a drain so the water is clean and clear.

Crossing to the "other side" ... head toward the light...
hmm.. that sounds like.. like...

After crossing the highway, follow the river upstream.

Further up, you will reach a confluence.
Now let's see. Which do we take?

Fortunately, a wood nymph was there to point to the correct way
"Take the river to the right"
Ok, ok.. so she was not a wood nymph.
This is the real nymph.
Common names: Tree/Wood Nymph butterfly, Rice Paper butterfly, Paper Kite butterfly
Classification: superfamily Papilionigiae, family Nymphalidae, subfamily Danainae, Genus Idea, Species Idea Leuconoe
Yikes!!! Some bamboo(?) specie with long and sharp thorns just off the beaten path.

A magnificent old tree.

The sight that greets the visitor signaling you have arrived.

Fish-eye view of the waterfall surroundings with the main falls on the right.

Amazing where trees can grow.

More photos coming up later.