Monday, July 28, 2008

Tioman Underwater Jul'08

Its been a while since I last posted. Too many photos in between so I'm just sharing the latest of the lot.

Red-banded Cleaner Shrimp - Night Dive @Panuba House Reef

I don't know what specie of Nudibranch this is. Looks like a Chromodoris Geometrica but I am not certain.
Spotted at Fan Canyon, Tioman.

This was also found at Fan Canyon.
Nembrotha Cristata

Solar powered nudie... will get name later.

Anemone Shrimp.


Madwag said...

the Nembrotha Cristata looks like some sort of hybrid vegtable... peas with something... really cool looking.

Divemuster said...

Hi Madwag! Yes it does seem to be exactly that... Ladyhawk spotted the Nudibranchs. I just document it when found.. haha.