Monday, May 29, 2006

Taiping Night Zoo - Creatures Part 1 of 2

The Slow Loris - Cutie peeking and maybe thinking, " Oh no. Here comes another bunch of tourists and I'll be seeing spots the whole night!"

Unlike the other Noctural animals, this Binturong wouldn't give a damn. He looks super comfy just dangling on that narrow branch. Even when the keeper came to feed them, the food almost had to be fed into the mouth.

Bat coming in for his meal.

It was wonderful to see the lions so active unlike the day when they would just lie under the shade. This majestic creature's roar is truly a sound to behold.

1 comment:

moggie said...

the shots of the binturong and bat are simply amazing, dude! have always wanted to get a good sharp shot of bats in a few but not this good. kudos!