Monday, August 29, 2005

Beneath the Waves

It was hard to get a good shot with so much mid-water particles. Visibility was bad, surface was choppy but what can I say. It is much better than sitting behind a desk.


pummkin said...

Yay! My favourite subjects! The best ones are usually those that you don't plan on taking! I mean the marine subjects. They've got attitude, I tell u....

Divemuster said...

Saving up for a wide-angle (160 deg) lens now. Gonna toss a coin for wide angle or Digital SLR ... decisions, decisions.

Divemuster said...

Pummkin, the nudi is not Tampja specie but Nembrotha Milleri to be specific. Checked it out here:

moggie said...

divemuster, lemme humbly assist u with your decision....Digital SLR! Digital SLR!

pummkin said...

Aiya, they're all green what! You are right about Milleri a few pix of that too. If only Hello will start working on my computer....